A next-to-skin cross with rounded ends of crossbeams, having circles with icons of eight saints. Such a cross is traditional for Russian Orthodoxy. In 15th – 16th centuries this type of cross was of one the most widespread. Etimasia – a symbolic image of Christ Pantocrator sitting down on the Prepared Throne – was often located in the center instead of crucifix.
Etimasia is readiness in Greek. Etimasia is usually put to the center of compositions devoted to the Doomsday, often on the icons upper field and on the next-to-skin crosses; representing God’s Throne prepared by the Lord for the Dread Judgement when He would mount thereto, open the Book of Lives and start judging the quick and the dead.
Новинка 2019 года. Требник в коже на церковно-славянском языке. Зеленая кожа, золотое тиснение, двухцветная печать, тонкая светло-бежевая бумага, золочение по краям страниц, закрывается на молнию, помещается в карман. Содержание такое же как и в нашем старом требнике, но толщина в 3 раза тоньше.
Truth can endure no falsehood, and herself finds those who seek her. But there is one condition: one must reject one’s own opinion and prefer the Lord’s, and seek not oneself, but God. It is no easy thing to leave off your former way of life and the things of which you were convinced, thinking you were on the right path.
Explanation of psalms 1, 2, 5, and 54. This book examines the issues of human happiness, the royal path, eternal life, a personal relationship with the Creator, and prayer for one’s enemies. “The Psalter is suitable for any good work. If you are despondent, in the Psalter you will find relief; if you seek deliverance from the wound of sin, the Psalter will cure your wound; if sin has become a habit, the Psalter will cut off from you the sinful growth.” Saint Basil the Great
Explanation of psalms 90 and 103. This book examines the issues of trust in God and of His protection, the struggle against fear and despondency, and the creation and rule of the universe. “The Psalter is suitable for any good work. If you wish to rejoice and praise God, here too you will find the right words in the Psalter.
Explanation of psalms 109, 116, and 145. This book examines the issues of the laws of the spiritual world, the mission of Christ, praise of God and His eternal glory, conciliarity of the Church, the mafi a of this world, the truth of Orthodoxy, and how to treat the imprisoned and refugees.