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The sin of envy is one of the three sins belonging to Satan himself. The apostle Paul says that there is no place for an envious person in the Kingdom of God. No other passion so destructive to a person is spawned in the human soul. Despondency—or, as it is called in the world, depression—is a sin that is very widespread today and a great boon to the pharmaceutical industry.

5.00 $

From the beginning inequality was established in the world, for it is a great blessing, and it will remain for all time. If there is inequality in the world there must also be a force to harmonize that inequality, that everything in the universe might find its place in this choir.

4.00 $

The prototypical father is God, just as the mother must model her parenting after the Mother Church. Holy Scripture never permits a person to arrange his life “on autopilot”: it requires that every action a person takes, particularly those of importance such as the relationship between children and parents, be arranged on the basis of the commands of the Lord God Himself.

4.00 $

The coming resurrection of the dead and the renewal of the universe is not the result of some natural process, but is rather the direct effect of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. From Him proceeds the source of immortal life for all that exists. The kingdom of God is possible on this corruptible earth, and it has already come!

4.00 $

Послание к Римлянам — одно из самых важных посланий, написанных апостолом Павлом. В нем рассматривается вопрос искупления, совершенного Христом, разница спасения через закон и через благодать, рассказывается о первородном грехе, говорится о будущей славе спасенных, о спасении Израиля, повествуется также об отношении к государственным властям и об отношении христиан между собой.

12.00 $

Многие пытаются спастись законом и впадают в отчаяние, уныние и безнадежность. Это и естественно, «ибо делами закона не оправдается никакая плоть» (Гал. 2, 16). Данная часть послания имеет чрезвычайно важное значение для нашего личного спасения.

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