Then He said to them, «Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.» (Mt 4:19) Whoever loves God and loves his neighbor, who is courageous and desires to receive an incorruptible crown in the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father, we call him to embark on the noble path of the herald of the Gospel — an Orthodox missionary! God forgives many sins to those who fight for the souls of men, freeing…
THE BOOK WILL BE AVAILABLE SINCE June 13th Where was science when God was making the universe? To this day the question of the world’s creation and the origin of the nations is the subject of numerous debates and disputes. The author asserts that Christian teaching on the origin of the universe in no way contradicts authentic science. The reader is presented with proof of the world’s divine origins, substantiated by modern scientific discoveries….
The set of whole series “How to inherit Eternal life” of 12 booklets by Priest Daniel Sysoev: God’s Love and God’s Will The Divine Names How Does God Rule the World? On Fear of God and Good Works On Meekness and Freedom from Anger On Internal and External Prayer Spirit, Soul, and Body On Gluttony and Avarice On Envy and Despondency How We Should View the Government Orthodox Upbringing of Children The Resurrection of…
The whole set of series of Talks on Epistles of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. In 6 books. Why Do Believers Quarrel? What is a Spiritual Father? To Marry or Not to Marry? What is the Priest to Live On? Women in the Church: Submission or Equality? What Gifts Should We Ask of God? This edition is dedicated to the five-year anniversary of the author’s martyric death. New Jersey, Daniel Sysoev Inc, 2016….
Послание к Римлянам — одно из самых важных посланий, написанных апостолом Павлом. В нем рассматривается вопрос искупления, совершенного Христом, разница спасения через закон и через благодать, рассказывается о первородном грехе, говорится о будущей славе спасенных, о спасении Израиля, повествуется также об отношении к государственным властям и об отношении христиан между собой.
Многие пытаются спастись законом и впадают в отчаяние, уныние и безнадежность. Это и естественно, «ибо делами закона не оправдается никакая плоть» (Гал. 2, 16). Данная часть послания имеет чрезвычайно важное значение для нашего личного спасения.