On another matter, when I was at our Holy Apostles Mission in Beltsville, MD, Matushka Deborah Johnson gave a copy of the new Law of God that you edited. It is truly the best book I have see for instructing adults in the faith, both those from outside and those in the Church. Perhaps she has already ordered copies.
This illustrated prayer book is intended for independent use by children ages 5–12. O Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere present and fi llest all things, Treasury of good things and Giver of Life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us of all impurity, and save our souls, O Good One.
Dear friend, You are an Orthodox Christian, a disciple and follower of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Invisible and Omnipotent Lord God loves you beyond measure. He created the entire universe that surrounds us and gave life to you and to everyone on Earth. You can address the Lord with prayer or thanksgiving. It doesn’t matter whether you pray out loud or in your head, God always hears you. Make sure you pray every…
This book contains wonderful, mysterious words—words concerning the Creator of the ages Himself. All Christians are baptized in His name—the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In Him they have life and in Him they place their hope. Indeed, is anything more important than to strive for the knowledge of Him, for union with Him, for the constant contemplation of Him? God has not abandoned men in ignorance: He entrusted…
Новинка 2019 года. Требник в коже на церковно-славянском языке. Зеленая кожа, золотое тиснение, двухцветная печать, тонкая светло-бежевая бумага, золочение по краям страниц, закрывается на молнию, помещается в карман. Содержание такое же как и в нашем старом требнике, но толщина в 3 раза тоньше.
В этой небольшой книжке излагается цельное и последовательное учение святителя Феофана Затворника о молитве. Начиная с азов науки молитвенной, святитель учит, как возгревать и сохранять молитвенный дух в продолжение дня, как сочетать молитву с другими добродетелями и как, наконец, подняться к вершине молитвенной жизни – к молитве непрестанной с всецелым преданием себя воле Божией.