For many people the Apocalypse is associated with catastrophies and terrifying events, the coming of the antichrist, natural disasters, wars, and the end of the world. Given this attitude it is natural to wish for these events to be delayed as long as possible.
On our spiritual journey, how often do we fi nd ourselves in need of a timely answer to this or that question that is troubling our soul. We believe that if we pray to God before asking advice from a priest, the Lord will give us the right answer by way of His servant. This book is comprised of answers to questions posed to Father Daniel during talks devoted to the explanation of the Bible. Father Daniel gives clear, logical answers to questions of a most interesting and vital nature.
he gift of eloquence is not given to everyone, and there are very few who have mastered the art of producing a homily that nourishes the mind of the listener and fi lls him with divine truth. This book is composed of the homilies given by Priest Daniel Sysoev in the church of the apostle Thomas.
For many beginning believers, remaining attentive throughout the church service is no easy task. Numerous thoughts overcome the worshipper, forcing him to remain amid earthly cares. This occurs due to a lack of understanding of the language in which the services are conducted, and of the meaning of the texts read during the sacred rites.
In this day and age people in the Orthodox Church have forgotten in Whose name they received the sacrament of baptism, and before Whom they will be called to account. The Lord’s obligatory command to consecrate one day each week to Him Who created us, Who continues to nourish and preserve us, is no great sacrifice, especially considering that it exists for the benefit of man, not God.
The good things of this world intoxicate a person; vanity despoils the soul and the mind, and sobriety is lost. The mostwise Ecclesiastes understood that the soul is not capable of fi nding peace and perfect wisdom in this world. And though the meaninglessness of the world oppresses a person, inattentive people fail to notice the terrible maelstrom into which we are all caught up. The only escape from it is Christ.