Why Do Believers Quarrel?


13.00 $

Availability: Available
Autors: Priest Daniel Sysoev
Publishing: Daniel Sysoev Inc.
ISBN: 978-5-4279-0061-6
Approved for publication by the Publications Board of the Russian Orthodox Church: 15-505-0293
Number of pages: 224
Format: Hard cover, 115x165mm


How can one avoid divisions in the Church while attuning the mind and heart to unity in Christ? Grace is to be sought from God, not from men. Can Christ really be divided? If Christ cannot be divided, how can His Body — the Church — be divided? This book shows how quarrels are caused by vainglory, and points out the terrible consequences of man-worship in the Church fuels quarrels, and man-worship in the Church leads to terrible consequences.
Why Do Believers Quarrel?
What is a Spiritual Father?
To Marry or Not to Marry?
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Women in the Church: Submission or Equality?
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